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"Men in Uniforms" 制服男子

Art & PhotographyFuko1 Comment
Seifuku Danshi Hyoushi_AA
Seifuku Danshi Hyoushi_AA

I believe that lots of people love a man or woman in uniform, but Japanese people go crazy for them.  And their love even has evolved into “CosPlay”. Well, this is not about CosPlay...my friend Mana at TIMEMACHINE Labo has a new book called "Men in Uniforms"! There are cops, waiters, chefs and a car driver. You say “Moeeeee” in Japanese when you see something hot like this! She’s also published “Men in Glasses”, “Men is Suits” and “Prince Dictionary”.

制服男子…、美しい男子 in ユニフォームな写真集「制服男子」がお友達のマナたんのタイムマシーンラボから出ました!(遅い?)ウエイター、コンビニ店員、タクシードライバーが登場とまさに鼻血モノですねぇ。私は個人的にはお医者さんが…、いや、まあいいけどNYのUPSの茶色い制服もいいね!その他「メガネ男子」「スーツ男子」「王子辞典」なんてのも出ちゃってるそうです!

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