八海山と白梅の懐石料理イベント『KAISEKI 初めの一歩』がMidtownにある日本のホテル、The Kitanoで行われました。懐石なんて私の身分でそうそう食べれるものじゃありません!そんな私みたいな人や、懐石料理は聞いた事あるけど食べた事ない、など懐石料理ビギナー向けのイベント。「会席料理」と「懐石料理」の違いの説明から、一品一品の器の説明など懐石について学びながら、美味しい八海山を頂く何とも贅沢な夕べでした。
Hakkaisan x Hakubai Restaurant presented an amazing Kaiseki dinner event at The Kitano Hotel in midtown. The dinner was for people who have never had Kaiseki dinner before so you can learn about the food and enjoy one of the best sake-Hakkaisan with the meal. The general manager of the hotel Kojima san, sake sommelier Chizuko and Timothy Sullivan (Urban Sake) were there to explain about the food and sake for the night.
Kaiseki dinner Is a full-course meal that uses the freshest ingredients of the season and are cooked in ways that enhance the original taste of the ingredients. The meaning of Kaiseki comes from the story that said Buddhist priests in strict Zen training used to keep a hot stone in their kimono pocket in order to make their fasting more bearable. The kaiseki was originally served during traditional tea ceremonies. It was thought that the tea would taste better if the people weren't starved. So the word "kaiseki" is used for the light meal served during the tea ceremony. We enjoyed the learning experience and the combination of the sake and the meal that incorporates all five senses!!
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